Rabia's Official Diary
spesel untok diri muwh.yerp~! untok dri mu saje!
14 August 2009

kpd kamoo yg sdg membaca itu.yurp~! kmoo! trimas kerana sudi mmbaca ruangan yang agak burok in..haha..ssungguh nya saia amat trhutang budi dgn dri muwh.
buat msa ini,saia akn prkenalkn insan-insan yg brtakhta di hati saia.
mereka adalah jantong ati saia..
mereka ialah...
Umi (dea taken oke!)..Zizie ( yg nie,single mingle tringle)
My Beloved One,Napie

and so much many more..

maybe the next person is youu..yurp! you..haha..ha,nama still ta de? dont worry..esok lusa tulat langkat ada la tuwh..haha..

hello eveyone. this is my diary . sorry for no longer update the blog , too much busy with her life in university . No ripping, spamming, bitching, copying or what so ever that forbidden in my blog. I ban you if I see you copying or stealing anything from here.If you claim this thing on your own.tell me nicely.I won't bite even though I have fangs :)
bold italic underlined strikeout

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New World.New Life